Service-Learning at the Detroit Public Library

Four Honors student lent their minds and research skills to the Detroit Public Library as part of a service-learning course for the Winter 2015 semester.

Students Ryan Abbott, Griffin Calme, Krystal Krygowski, and Anne Okonowski were tasked with researching and writing about various pieces of artwork along the "Discover the Wonders" tour of the DPL.

The following art pieces were researched:

Ryan Abbott: John S. Coppin's Man's Mobility Mural

Griffin Calme: John Donnelly's Bronze Doors

Krystal Krygowski: Mary Chase Stratton's Children's Fireplace

Anne Okonowski: Frederick J. Wiley's 3rd Floor Hallway ceiling

In addition to conducting research, each student put together informational displays, which are currently located on the third floor of the DPL for the public viewing.

"Their research on art ojects and final display case projects has enhanced our knowledge and insight to this 1921 historic building (and) their papers will be added to our docent site for training and education" said Barbara Cohn, who serves as tour director and serves on the DPL Board of Directors and Friends Foundation. "This class has given an important added dimension to our tour. Thank you to Wayne State University and Diane Sybelldon."

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