Rachael Backer - Honors Finance and Political Science, 2020
I was a transfer student to WSU and to the Honors College and so I was slightly nervous starting at my new school. Honors made it comforting and easy to transition here.
Your name, major and prospective year of graduation
Rachael Backer, Honors Finance and Political Science, 2020
What are you involved in that you would like featured in Honors publications/website?
I am a volunteer at the Belle Isle Conservatory, I will be interning with Quicken Loans starting in May, I am on the Executive Board of the Grosse Pointe Democratic Club (my hometown) and serve on the Finance Committee, and I serve as the Deputy Finance Chair of the Michigan Federation of College Democrats.
How has Honors prepared you for your accomplishments? Remember the four pillars: community, service, research and career.
Being able to give back to the community in which I learn in has been extremely rewarding. I feel more connected with other Detroiters since I’ve been able to participate in various activities in Midtown and throughout Detroit. The rigorous coursework has prepared me for the real world and taught me how to manage my time well and made me a critical thinker.
How has your major shaped your career path?
Studying Finance and Political Science from an outsiders perspective may seem like polar opposites. But with learning how Finance and how government / public sector works has shaped my interest to someday work in Washington, DC in the Financial Sector. A dream job of mine is to be a Budget Analyst in the US Congressional Budget Office.
What makes Honors at WSU unique?
The community and the support offered to the community. Honors makes sure the students are getting the most out of their time at WSU.
What's your most memorable experience in Honors?
Meeting all the people involved with the Honors College. This includes WSU staff and students. I was a transfer student to WSU and to the Honors College and so I was slightly nervous starting at my new school. Honors made it comforting and easy to transition here.
What class or professor has shaped you the most and how?
So far, my MKT2300 class has shaped me the most. This was the first honors course I took at WSU. It taught me real life examples of how business works and how people work.
How has your perception of Detroit changed since attending WSU?
Growing up in a suburb of Detroit, I had somewhat an idea of Detroit. Living and going to school in Midtown Detroit has totally changed my perception of Detroit that I had prior. I feel connected with the city and proud to be a part of the growth that’s happening now in Detroit. I could not imagine going to school anywhere else. Detroit has endless opportunities.
Tell us about your experience with an internship, service or a research project.
In Summer 2017, I had the opportunity to intern with candidate Sandra Buccerio running in the MI House District 1 special election. I was a campaign finance intern. I learned the ins and outs of how campaign finances work. I had to track donations, expenses, and other related finances for the whole race, both pre and post election. I also helped prepare the report that was submitted to the State. Additionally, I participated in canvassing, both by phone and by door knocking. This really built on my communication skills. I met so many people and got to learn about issues different than ones that affect me. I learned just how important local elections are.