News and Announcements
- Honors student selected for full tuition scholarship at University of Michigan Medical School
- Honors College dean gifts $50K for 50th birthday
- Honors and COS student turns love of online gaming into charity fundraiser
- Honors alumnus selected for prestigious law school scholarship
- Honors student leads fundraising effort for clean drinking water in DPS
- John Floyd Spotlight
- Community of Scholars students spend MLK Day serving others
- Good fellows: How the Detroit Fellows Tutoring Project, entering its 15th year, still empowers local schoolchildren
- Profile: WSU junior Cedric Mutebi, "Warrior Strong" personified
- Honors Student Previews Upcoming Change Conference in Local Newspaper
- Honors Student Leads Initiative for Wayne State's First Trans Day of Remembrance Service
- Cat fostering leads to a career choice in veterinary medicine for Honors student
- Staying Alive! WSU trains most people in life-saving procedure
- Honors students recognized with Philanthropy award
- Honors students lead initiative for state-wide hands-only CPR campus challenge
- International internship lands senior Connor Tukel at Institut Pasteur in Paris
- A passion for research leads to UReCA student editor position for Honors student
- Monteith alumna receives $25K Kresge Art Fellowship
- From doctor to math teacher: Mohammad Kang heals people his own way
- Honors student shares video of Paris study abroad experience
- Student Profile: Nazir Jairazbhoy
- Honors student and BUILD Scholar wins first place for poster presentation at national conference
- Detroit Feedback Loops earns $10K grant from OptimizeWayne
- Gartrelle named March 2018 CPM Pre-med of the Month
- Honors senior shares her experience with WSU alum in Washington DC